♥ Howdy! ♥
♦ Long time, no devlog XD
♣ Hey! I got a bunch of things done between now and the last post! I made a model for The Puppeteer, I made the marionette string ability, I made a placeholder for Patch's shop, and lots of other things!
♠ Most recently I made Elodie's model and reworked Marlowe's model! here's a picture!
♥ Date Posted: 12/19/2021 ♥
♥ Howdy! ♥
♦ I designed some new characters!
♣ since the last post I fixed the issue I was having, added basic enemies, tweaked Marlowe's design, redesigned the Puppeteer a bit, and designed some new characters!
♠ one of the new characters I designed is named Fidget! you can read more about him here!: Marlowe and the Marionette character bios
♥ Date Posted: 5/10/2021 ♥
♥ Howdy! ♥
♦ Debugging is a special experience to say the least
♣ A couple days ago I made some nice wind particles! Today I started making a dialogue system, but there's one spot from
the tutorial that isn't working on the current version of Unreal Engine, so I have to do some ~ Debugging ~
♠ I've realized that I need to take some time to figure out my game's core pillars, which are essentially what gives the game it's identity. The core pillars act as criteria checkboxes
for what the game should be and prioritize being.
♥ Date Posted: 4/5/2021 ♥
♥ Howdy! ♥
♦ Welcome to the first devlog post!
I'll post these whenever I have updates on how development is going!
♣ I've done a few things on the game, it's defintely still in the prototype stage. The last thing I did was make some particle systems and mess with the movement parameters.
♠ I'll probably start working on the main mechanics here soon, though, finding time to work on it is a little hard with school assignments.
♥ Date Posted: 3/31/2021 ♥